Jos saatte meiltä alla olevan näköisen viestin, niin kyseessä on ICANN vaatima viesti, jolla ilmoitetaan verkkotunnuksen vanhenemisesta.

Niin pitkään, kun maksatte laskunne ei ole syytä huoleen, että domaininne tulee vanhenemaan.

Dear valued domain customer,


This is a reminder to kindly inform you that your domains as shown below are about to expire on the date listed.
This reminder conforms to the Expired Registration Recovery Procedure (ERRP) as required by ICANN.

Domainname | Exp.-Date
—————-+———– | 2017-09-01
This means that your domains will be DISABLED at the given expiration date, if they are not renewed.




Domain name: name of the domain
Exp.-Date: the expiration date of your domain
Roles: creator, admin or billing. May be empty if you are ‘just’ the Registrant of the domain
You have received this reminder, because our records show that you are one of the following contacts of this domain:

Assignment Role Account (Owner, mainly responsible)
Administrative Role Account (modifications)
Billing Role Account (renewals)
Registrant (Owner as given in Whois-Details of your domains)
Please visit our web site to renew your domains.

Please be aware that your domain will be deleted shortly after its expiration date, if not renewed.


This notification has been sent on behalf of your domain name supplier.